Monday, December 28, 2009

Personal: Grateful for Photography

So I'm sitting at my desk and looking at my calendar and wondering how in the world another year came and went so fast!? I mean it's really more like another decade has come and gone not just a year. Life has a funny way of going by faster the older you get. Maybe it's nature's way of saying, "You now have less time to do the things you love than you did yesterday." Kind of a scary thought but a true one.

So I stumble around trying to get organized to finish projects before the year is up and I come across this picture of my two boys that was taken about 10 years ago. And again, the thought of "Where does the time go?" comes across my thoughts. And then I have another thought, "I'm so glad that I became a photographer." We have the power to capture and hold on to the memories that brought us here. I look at the picture above in awe because I just don't remember how they looked in my own memory! If it weren't for this picture I surely would have forgotten it on my own. But thanks to a little invention called the camera I don't ever have to forget. That is such a great, great thing. I'm grateful for that.

Forgive me for being so nostalgic lately but I didn't really notice this whole 'You only get one life' thing as much before as in 2009. Now if you know me I'm not into the New Year Resolution idea but I do look at Jan. 1st as a milestone and a way to get re-juiced to making life as best as it can be. So I look at 2o1o as a great thing. A great thing because I have lots of plans this coming year. I feel like I've done away with most of the things that weren't serving me as much so hopefully it will make it easier to advance faster. It sometimes takes a lot of time and planning and failing and thinking and beer to figure out who you are and where you've come from. I'm not saying that I'm there but I know I'm closer. And thanks to photography I'll never have to forget where it all started. :)

-Santiago Valencia

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